About Melissa

Your Life Helper

Melissa James

My life has been transformed because of helpers that have crossed my path.  Some of my life helpers have been people, other helpers have been in the form of new knowledge that I have obtained. 

Several years ago, my oldest son was diagnosed with a rare cancer, Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma.  Nine months after he was diagnosed, he passed away.  I am grateful for the many helpers that were there for our family during this difficult time.

Because of my life experiences, I have a strong desire to help others, whether they are grieving a loss or wanting to improve their lives using their unique strengths.  Drawing upon my strengths has enabled me to become more resilient to challenges that I face.   

"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'"--Mr. Rogers
Melissa with plants - profile crop


A former client created a list of my strengths that she noticed during our coaching sessions. Sharing what we notice about others' strengths helps to empower them.

  • Certifications

    • Board Certified Coach
    • Certified Strengths Specialist
    • People Acuity Certified Guide

  • Training

    • Grief Coaching
    • End of Life Doula Training

  • Education

    • B. S. Marriage and Family Studies

  • Professional Organizations

    • Family Life Coaching Association