Complimentary Sessions

Try a session out to see if we would be a good fit working together and if this is a direction that you would like to pursue.

What to do to schedule a complimentary session:

Fill out the form below the option of your choice and I will contact you to set up an appointment. The appointments can be through Zoom or Google Hangouts, phone, or in person for those who live near me in Northern Colorado.

Grief or Adversity Coaching Complimentary Session (20-30 minutes): During this session, you may choose between two options. The first is doing an exercise to help you identify your inner wishes and help you discover some ways that you can achieve this despite losses in your life. The second is a time to see how you are functioning in several different life areas, identifying areas that may be out of balance, giving clarity for making goals to help achieve balance. (If your grief is fresh and overwhelming, see the information about Grief Companion below).

Grief Companion Complimentary Session (20-30 minutes): The service I offer of Grief Companion is for you to have a place to talk about your grief and I can give you support and help you find ideas for coping with everyday living. The complimentary session is a time to see if you feel comfortable with me as a companion to your grief.

Strengths Coaching Complimentary Session (20-30 minutes): During this session we will spend some time exploring either your life purpose or your values and how they are being manifest in your life. This is a good foundation for future work with using your strengths authentically and more fully in your life.

Please add a brief description of your loss and when it occurred.